David Bloomin
AI Researcher, Plurality Institute

Current Projects

Training RL Agents in Socially Complex Environments
Research network for scaling human cooperation
Liquid Democracy Platform / Proxy Voting
Renovating government and civil society for the 21st century

Prior Work / School

2011 - 2022
Infrastructure Engineer
2007 - 2011
Newsfeed Infra, ML Infra, Technical Advisor to CEO, Special Projects
2003 - 2007
Search Quality, Distributed Logistic Regression, Google Drive
Adaptive Artificial Intelligence Inc (
2001 - 2003
Co-Founder. AGI Research
Stanford University
2004 - 2007
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
University of California, Los Angeles
1998 - 2002
B.Sc. Software Engineering


Selected Publications

See my google scholar for the latest list
Neural MMO 2.0: A Massively Multi-task Addition to Massively Multi-agent Learning, 2024, Neurips 2023
Joseph Suarez , David Bloomin , Kyoung Whan Choe , Hao Xiang Li , Ryan Sullivan , Nishaanth Kanna , Phillip Isola
Rumor routing algorthim for sensor networks, 2002, ACM international workshop on Wireless sensor networks
David (Braginsky) Bloomin , Deborah Estrin